Canmore Long Term Care - Renovation
JMAA architecture worked in conjunction with AHS to develop a design to upgrade the Canmore Golden Eagle View Long Term Care (LTC) located in the Canmore General Hospital. The Project looked to update the interior common areas of the LTC to create more inviting spaces that felt more home like for the patients. The project is being completed in phases to minimize disruptions to the patients and staff which will continue to use the LTC throughout the renovation. The current facility was starting to show its age and needed a finish and aesthetic upgrade. The new design replaces all the common area finishes while also creating more functional spaces for the users. Phase one reorganized the dining room and kitchen while also adding windows to capture the beautiful mountain views surrounding Canmore. A new lounge area with fireplace was developed in this space for the users to enjoy. Phase two redesigned the core of the wing to better utilize space and expand the living room gathering space so it could be better utilized. The last phase of this project updates the corridor finishes with a durable panel with custom graphics. The AHS users wanted suite doors which were more easily identified by their patients while also create an "apartment" entry. Due to Hospital regulations materials like stone and wood cannot be used. To accomplish both the desired aesthetic and material requirements the durable panels have a custom graphic which gives each suite an identifiable entry. This along with new memory boxes and signage will help patients more easily find their rooms.
Alberta, Canada